In a Ukrainian town wrecked by tragedy, young Alex must flee its haunted streets. The main character is a boy, who lost his family during 25.02.22-31.03.22 attacks in Bucha. As he journeys, he meets townsfolk, who require his help. Alex helps them, uncovering the town's sorrowful past and moving forward. As much people he helps as soon he gets to his final destination. The mood of the game is calm and heartfelt. !No violence! !No blood!
Hi, IndieDB community!
Welcome to the ninth article of our game: “Bucha 2022”. Today we are going to talk about our menu icons and gameplay icons.
If you want to find out more about our game, check out the first article on our indieDB page.
The icons that we created are pictorial. They are easy to understand and visually engaging. While designing the icons it was an objective to reach a perfect match between them in terms of color palette, stylization, and overall atmosphere.
That's all for this week. See you next week.
RAZOM Games Studio
In this article, we are going to talk about our main logo and game icon
In this article, we are going to talk about our main character Alex.
In this article, we are going to talk about the Logo and UI.
Here we bring you a look into the Bucha 2022 User Interface.