Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.

Post news Report RSS Brutal Doom 64 v2.666 Unofficial

Brutal Doom 64 v2.666 (Unofficial). The ultimate unofficial update to Sgt Mark's Brutal Doom 64.

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What is new since v2.5:

  • Tactical and Modern class weapons now have alt fires and some weapons have special fire modes.
  • Survival modes added - These modes disable the usual healing method and now a player must heal manually by using your portable medikit which you have to keep stocked up.
  • New weapons - The Gauss Cannon, Sub Machine Gun and Proximity Mines which double up as grenades have been added to the mod.
  • New monsters Outcast - Introduced in the Outcast levels for the Doom 64 Absolution are these monsters:
    1. Acid Demon - acid spitting demon
    2. Stalker - teleporting missile firing lost soul
    3. Night Crawler - grenade firing arachnotron
  • New monsters extra - As well the outcast monster many more monster have been added and given Doom 64 and Brutal treatment. There are still monster in the roadmap to add to this list:
    1. The Thing (a mysterious creature that can mutate from marine corpses)
    2. Husk Zombie (acts as zombie fodder, found near dead maps props)
    3. Carrion Zombie (a bloated zombie that explodes, can replace a husk zombie)
    4. SSG Zombie (can replace shotgun zombies)
    5. BFG Zombie (can replace chaingun zombies)
    6. Butcher (chainsaw wielding demon, can replace demon)
    7. Wraith (smaller and more nimble spectre like monster, can replace spectres)
    8. Fallen (a winged flying demon, can replace cacodemons)
    9. Forgotten One (a hitscan attacking skull, can replace lost souls)
    10. Knightmare (a nightmare hellknight, can replace hellknights)
    11. Belphegor (a baron like monster that can charge at you, can replace barons)
    12. Agony Elemental (an elemental firing 3 skulls, can replace pain elementals)
    13. Bruiser (looks like a hellknight but with flame cannons, can replace mancubi)
    14. Flesh Wizard (a fast moving monster with archvile abilities, can replace archviles)
    15. Hellstorm (a blueish archvile which can move at incredible speed creating tornadoes it their wake, can replace archviles)
    16. Infernal (a monstrous 4 armed monster with motherdemon like powers, can replace cyberdemons)
    17. Eradicator (an unmaker firing spider mastermind, can replace spider masterminds)
    18. Special paranormal prop replacements (even map decorations could be hostile)
  • Many, many sprite and sound improvements to current monsters, weapons and map props. There are options for alternative skins for weapons and items.
  • The iconic Doom 64 title sequence has been added.
  • The Absolution TC maps have been added as an option to extend the normal campaign.
  • The normal maps have been enhanced where possible.
  • The final map has been reworked into a tough final battle.
  • There are new options to restore the original Map08 and old BD64 final map.
  • More performance options
  • All new monsters are togglable with options
  • There are new options to toggle the HUD style from classic Doom 64 to a more Classic style with new Doomguy mugshot.
  • The Brutal Doom flashlight has been made modular then imported into v2.666. The default is to collect it from a back or a player can option toggle to start on the next map.
  • Footstep sounds have been added but can be disabled in the options.
  • Green and Blue blood has been added.

I was hoping to have this project in a finished state by the 31st October 2023. However, there is still work to be done so instead of publishing the finished mod here on ModDB. These builds are quite stable but there will more features and background tasks to finish before this is out of Beta.


Beta build of Brutal Doom 64 v2.666 and supported add-ons. Read me files are also here:

Github repository:

swc132994 (Steven Connell) · GitHub

Discord (Doom64/Brutal-Doom-64-v-2-666)


New Opening Title

Intro Map New Additions


Play on normal Doom maps and beyond:

Monster roadmap by Craneo

0 BD64EnemyRoadmap 1 1

CREDITS v2.666

Original Brutal Doom 64 mod by Sergeant Mark IV
Weapons:SMG - IDDQD_1337 (Animation) & Super Piter (sprites). New sprites update (04/05/23) - Midway, Doom Piter, Sgt Mark IV, I'M.Gauss Cannon - IDDQD_1337 (animation), I'M (scope and cell sprites), BigStronk (decorate), VriskaSerket & CaptainJ (sprites)Tactical Rocket Launcher - IDDQD_1337 (animation) & I'M (sprites)Tactical Chainsaw - IDDQD_1337 (animation)Tactical Pistol - IDDQD_1337 (animation) & I'M (sprites)Alt Lasergun - IDDQD_1337 (animation)Alt Rifle - IDDQD_1337 (animation) & I'M (sprites)Tactical Shotgun Alt attack - IDDQD_1337 (animation) & I'M (sprites). Smoother alt fire animation by Doomer Blazkowicz.Laser Mine (unused) - Sprite rework by Craneo, Animations extra sprites and decorate by IDDQD_1337. Sounds from Brutal Hellfest by Gni. Orginally created by Capt. J and Ezequiel-TM's tripwire lasermineProxy Mine (Tactical & Modern) - CaptJ and Apocalyptic Studios, edited by Craneo and IDDQD_1337.Chaingun (tactical & Modern) - Doomer Blazkowicz (sprite rework), IDDQD_1337 (Animation), taken from Sgt Mark IV's BD Chaingun.Unmaker (tactical/modern) edits - Frankensprites and sounds by DoomerBlazcowicz. Muzzle flashes by BigStronk. Animations by IDDQD_1337.
New weapon kicking and slide kicking animations by IDDQD_1337
New Flashlight/torch pickup by IDDQD and Craneo (Sprites)


//64Thing - Craneo(D64 sprites), based on the Mimic by StopSignal, sounds from Duke Nukem 3D by 3D Realms
//64 Revenant - DrPyspy (sprites)
//64 Archvile - DrPyspy (sprites)
//Hellhound Alt - I'M (sprites)
//Hellhound GEC - Gerardo194 (sprites)
//Bruiser a.k.a Duke of Hell - Gerardo194 (sprites)
//Knightmare a.k.a. DreadKnight - Dr Doctor (Original sprites) Craneo (Rework)
//Eradicator a.k.a unmaker mastermind - Craneo (sprite rework), Midway, 3DRealms, Immorpher, Sgt_Mark_IV, DrPyspy
//64Chaingunner - Craneo (reworked sprites), Midway, DrDoctor, Immorpher, Footman, Atomic Frog, Vader, Xim
//64Acid Demon sounds from REALM667 - SLIME WORM by Captain Toenail
//64Spider Mastermind - Craneo (sprite rework), Midway, 3DRealms, Immorpher, Sgt_Mark_IV, DrPyspy
//64BFGZombie - Sprites: Id Software, Midway, DrDoctor, Immorpher, Footman, Atomic Frog, Vader, Xim, Korp, ItsNatureToDie, neoworm, Craneo. Sounds: Immorpher
//64Belphegor - Midway, NMN, DrDoctor (sprites), Craneo (tweaks)
//64Wraith - Vader, Captain Toenail, Midway, Id Software, Gregor Punchatz, Craneo (D64 style sprites)
//64WaffenSS - Sounds from Return to Castle Wolfenstein, uploaded by Labtec Speakers to The Sounds Resource.
//64Nightmare Elemental - Sprites by Styd051, Decorate by Craneo.
//Classic Style Cacodemons - Original "HD classic Caco" taken from Thief666's Doom 8x sprite project, credits to Charles Heathman & Thief666 Recolour, downscale, death sprites, alt palette and a few extra tweaks by Craneo paletted by Immorpher
//64FleshWizard by Craneo Code: Melvin (base Flesh Wizard decorate), swc132994 (default BD64 code bits reused), Amuscaria (Diabolist projectile decorate) Sprites: Freedoom (Flesh Wizard base), Monolith (Blood Zombie), Craneo (Flesh Wizard 64 conversion), HAUNT folder sprites taken from LCA DUST's Bloody Frandle Sounds: 64FWSITx, 64FWDTHx (Dead Space), 64FWACTx (Doom 3), 64FWPAIx (Dying Light), 64FWTELx (System Shock 2) Extra Deaths: Edited by Craneo and based on sprites by David G
//64Husk by Craneo Sprite Credits: Amuscaria, DrDoctor, Midway Code Credits: HorrorMovieRei, swc132994, Sgt_Mark_IV (most likely), Lagi (zombie group spawn code) Sounds Credits: Id Software, Immorpher Frankensprite by Craneo.
//64Forgotton One by Craneo Sprite Credits: Midway, DrDoctor, DrPyspy, Craneo Sound Credits: Midway, HorrorMovieRei Code Credits: swc132994, Sgt_Mark_IV
//64Butcher by Craneo Code: Bouncy, Graf Zahl, Ganbare-Lucifer, heavily edited for BD64 by Craneo Sounds: Ganbare-Lucifer Sprites: id Software, Captain J, aeea7835, Eriance, ItsNatureToDie, Midway Entertainment, Kinsie, D64 edit by Craneo //64Hellstorm by Craneo Decorate: Maelstrom & Craneo edits GLDEFs: Dreadopp Sounds: Id Software, Monolith Games Sprites: Immorpher, Craneo, Atomic Frog, Witan Entertainment BV, MagicMaker
//64Zombies burning death improvement - Midway, DrDoctor, Monolith, sprite rework by Craneo
//64Fallen Sprites: Amuscaria, DrDoctor, DrPyspy, Monolith Productions Frankensprite by Craneo Sounds: Dead Space, Doom Eternal mew sounds taken from Project Malice
Old credits bits: Code: Amuscaria GLDefs: Ghastly Dragon
old sounds, Brightmaps and ZScript version not used.
//64Infernal Code: Maelstrom, Sgt_Mark_IV Sprites: Ittrav (monster sprites), Atomic Frog (Seeker Missile sprites), DrDoctor, DrPyspy, Craneo (Fireball sprites) Sounds: SEGA, Cooper B. Chance, downbeataura
//64Carrion Hellforged zombie used as a base by Amuscaria Frankensprite by Craneo Sounds taken from Project Malice, originary from Dying Light
//64Keen Replacement MK4 HANGED SCORPION FOR D64 CREDITS: Midway (everything) TEPA6ANT (MK4 Scorpion ragdoll for Gmod) Ultimecia (MK4 fatality text rip) LordRaptor (ripping MK4 sounds) Frankensprite by Craneo.
//Anomaly events Poltergeist original credits: Submitted by David Raven, Decorate - David Raven. GLDefs -David Raven, the Skulltag Team Sounds -, Midway, id Sprites: id Software Sprite Edits - Captain Toenail. Idea Base - David Raven
Baphomet Eye original credits: Decorate: Osiris, Espi, Supersonix07. GLDEFs - Ghastly Dragon, Sounds - Id Software, Raven Software, Monolith, Sprites - Id Software, Raven Software Idea Base: Doom floating eye decoration
Pain and Death sounds taken from the Bloodskull monster, credits:Sounds: 3DRealms, Rogue Entertainment Sight and Active sounds taken from the Deep One monster. credits: Sounds: Shadowman (Acclaim Entertainment)
Hell's Rose original code and sprites credits: 3DRealms, Neoworm
Demon Tree sounds credits: 3DRealms, FreeRadical Design, Eriance
Squire sight sounds credits: Id Software, Woolie Wool
Wall break sounds taken from "Destructible Fantasy Props" by whirledtsar, sounds originally made by Raven Software.
Hangman original credits: Code - Captain Toenail, Ghastly (ZScript conversion). GLDefs - Captain Toenail. Sounds - Xatrix, Id Software. Sprites - Captain Toenail. Decorate - Mor'ladim. Sounds: Fate. Sprites: id Software, Raven Software, Mor'ladim. Sprite Edit: Mor'ladim
buzzing noises from Quake 1
Edits by (Craneo)
//ITEMS//Manual Healing Kit MDKI- and M2KI- originally by GhostKillahZero, FireHusky and PillowBlaster, animation parts taken from IDDQD_1337 WMEDP0 originally by TypicalSF sounds from L4D2 and Doom 3 Special thanks to Empyre for coding help edited by Craneo
//DoomerBlazkowicz Edits to:Fists - sprites & soundsPistol - sprites & decorateShotgun - alt attack decorate, sprites & soundsSSG - soundsSMG - decorate (speed adjustment)Rifle - decorate (speed adjustment)Chaingun - modern/tactical sprites and decorate changesBFG - pickup spriteRocket Launcher - pickup spriteKey pickup spritesBackpack pickup sprites
Add-ons:BD64HUD_Ashton (Paladin-julio (ModDB) Plus Craneo edits to icons)D64PSX_HQ_SFX (SFX Marine (Nate)) BD64_NathanSFXPack (SFX Marine (Nate))BD64v2.666_Reflective_Blood_[GZDoom] (IDDQD_1337) BD64v2.666_Alt_Weapon_Sounds (BigStronk)BD64v2.666_Beefy_SFX (BigStronk) BD64v2.666_SkiesHD - Slightly edited version of "High Quality Skies for BD 64" by Marklegg ( BD64v2.666_Rework_D4_Weapons_&_Voxels - Reworked version of "DOOM4 Voxels and Weapons For BD64-V3.3" by KEENO7 ( BD64v2.666 Xtra goodies pack - Created and maintained by Craneo. Various sprite animations by IDDQD_1337PSX64_RandomMusic - Random Doom 64 Music Selector by Unmaker23 (Discord)
Props and misc:Triangular automap arrow method taken from "PSX Doom TC"Impaled Doom 64 guys - Craneo64 Floating skull - Craneo (extra sprites), DrDoctor (original)64 EvilEye and Evileye2 - Craneo64 Candelabra - DrDoctor64 TwitchGibs - Nevander's D64 Retribution64 HeadCandles - Craneo64 Stalagmites - DrDoctorNukage recolour - CraneoNew blood splats sprites by I'MNew screen blood splats by IDDQD_1337New Bullet decals from SMK4SIMPLEDECALS.wad by Sgt Mark IVScreen effects - Added by IDDQD_1337, Original creator Mechanical-SanityMugshot - Id Software (Doom 2 Slayer model for Doom Eternal), Stefano (porting said model to Garry's Mod), Craneo (Rework)
Widescreen HUD bar for display size 10 (normal) by Unmaker23
Items:Alt cell packs - DrDoctor (sprites) Soul ammo & Demon essence - Craneo (sprites) EDIT: Added Hitodama sprites by DoomerBlazcowicz
Maps:Converting Hexen format maps to UDMF - IDDQD_1337New Map28 Ultimate Absolution - Styd051D64 puzzles - added by IDDQD_1337 from Nevander's D64 RetributionD64 opening title - added by Styd051 from Nevander's D64 Retribution
Compatible_Retribution_Maps - Trimmed down version of Nevander's D64 Retribution
Blood, nukage, slime and water liquid textures - Guest6777
Music:Map tracks: 20th Anniversary Edition of Doom 64 soundtrack plus bonus tracks - Aubrey HodgesTitle screen theme by Andrew HulshultNew intermission music tracks added by Sraigius:INTERA = Aubrey Hodges - Doom 64 Stats Screen (anniversary version) INTERB = Davester2296 - DOOM 64 - Stats Screen - 20th Anniversary Versi - Between hell and earth (more of Neurological's music, as well as this album can be downloaded in Inter = Davester2296 - DOOM 64 | D64D2 - Stats Screen - End Of LevelINTERE = DexiaZ fantom - Doom 64 OST Remix - Intermission/Stats Screen Remastered INTERF = Aubrey Hodges - Doom 64 Stats Screen (original version) INTERG = Aubrey Hodges - Doom 64 Stats Screen (anniversary version) (excerpt from about 3:15) PLOTA and PLOTB = ElguitarTom - DooM 64 - Conclusion - Metal Remix PLOTC = Aubrey Hodges = Doom 64 - FinaleD_ALGMAN = Lustmord - Intro intermission, Amalgamated Man

v2.5 credits up to R30:

Xamp for reworking the SSG firing and reloadingStyd051 for reworking the imp shotgun, super shotgun and BFG deaths. (BD 64 TC Absolution Remake) Iddqd_Idkfa_Idclip for Stamina drain fixes from run button press. (BD 64 Absolute Nightmare)Onox792 for the completed nightmare monsters.Gifty (ZDoom) for the smooth animations used for the ArchvileYukiHerz for HD Laser gun sprites.Immorpher for the Revenant melee sprites. Jimmy (ZDoom forum) for Doom 64 style fonts. The music track for the intro map is Algamated Man by Lustmord used in the unloved mod final boss map. (NOW INTRO INTERMISSION in v2.666) Jakinsbob for beta testing the no stamina class (Modern). idkfa3215 for the original work on New Deaths for BD64 from which NDBD64 Enhanced is based. (NOW FULLY INTEGRATED in v2.666) doomguy199333 for beta testing New Deaths for BD64 Enhanced addon. OldCactusCN for working the smoother pistol, shotgun, SSG, unmaker muzzle flash, new assault rifle, new pentagram sprites as well as new demon/spectre sounds. Dexiaz (Doomworld forum) for new archvile sounds

Sgt Mark's v2 credits:

Based on: Doom 64 Absolution by Samuel "Kaiser" VillarealGZDoom 64 By NightshadeDoom64 Monster Replacer by Kaal979
Additional Sprites: Cage - Extra animations for weapons (shotgun, super shotgun reloading, etc.) Scalliano and Dr Doctor - Alpha Unmaker (a.k.a Laser gun) Monolith, Raven Software, 3D Realms - Several SpritesSkjalg L. Sellæg - Rotations for Revenant's sprites (Tchernobog Revenant v2.666) Leonard - Chaingunguy sprites. Footman - Zombie Marine sprites. Mike12 - Assault Rifle sprites.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 63)
Guest - - 698,182 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
fleet84 - - 158 comments

when i turn off jump and crouch in the in game options menu it just resets when i restart

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have never seen this problem. I do understand that many prefer a classic style of gameplay. The best way to disable jump and crouch is to just unbind those keys.
Both are allowed in BD64 as the D64 maps now has obstacles you can't jump or crouch to bypass items or sections of the map.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
bohorat - - 39 comments

Nice, Congratulations on the release!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,182 comments

When I try to play Delta Quadrant it has exclamtion points in the corners of the beginning of the level. Might be more but didn't get that far

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I just played and everything is fine. The load order must be correct for things to work properly (the maps file relies on assets from the game file to be loaded first). Make the game file is loaded before the maps file. Also what base iwad are you using as a base although any should work Doom, Doom2, Freedoom and Freedoom2 iwads should all be fine.
Lastly, what add-ons are you using? (Any add-ons should be loaded after the game file)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

Same. Delta Quadrant has ! all around it and can't access any doors.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

Please see my message above regarding load order, base iwad and any add-ons.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

I used the idclip cheat but door switches don't work and can't progress

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

I'm using doom2. I have it as the main file. The Bd64 files are in mods. Then I click on bd64game, then maps. All the other levels load correctly so far. Just Delta Quadrant not working right

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

How are you loading the files? The best method is to use a mod loader like ZDL or DML.
Are you using GZDoom?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

I created a map folder too so it would be in the correct order but it still shows ! all around it

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Rickj81 - - 35 comments

Delta touch

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I see, folders shouldn't matter then as the mod load order would be as you already did buy selected the order as you click.
You mean Alpha Quadrant Map 6, right?
Delta Quadrant is part of the unfinished Reckoning Maps. I haven't added these maps to the selectable episodes yet. If it is indeed Map 3 from the Reckoning maps then that would explain the errors as it is a work in progress only.

Best regards,

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

In my console command window it shows errors bossbrain and unknown type.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

I'm using the latest version of gz Doom that it comes with. I think it's 4.11

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Guest - - 698,182 comments

You are making Doom 64 better than ever. This is a great mod!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

Lol. That makes sense. It's Delta Quadrant from Reckoning maps. Everything else is good. Thanks

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

All the Brutal Doom 64 mods I have seen over the years say that it'll eventually have lost levels and Reckoning maps working, but I haven't found any yet. The maps themselves don't work as they only function properly with CE or EX. It has info missing that causes graphical errors. Unfortunately alot of the modders for Brutal Doom abandon it over time. It seems like it's just locked down to CE and EX. Any idea of where to find compatible maps for Brutal 64? It would be awesome to play these with brutal graphics.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

There are compatible Retribution maps included in the alternative maps folder. The Reckoning maps are a work in progress and not complete. This is on my list to finish.
The CE maps are hard to make compatible. The CE maps use ZScript and a different map texture set which it neither compatible with the BD64 textures or Zandronum.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Rickj81 - - 35 comments

Thanks. I appreciate the reply and the work involved. I saw that in eye of the storm map for both brutal doom 64 and retribution I've had to "shrink" the radius of the arachnotron actor in the corner due to it getting stuck in the wall.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have now checked the arachnotrons on map14 -eye of the storm fot both the BD64 and retribution maps. None of the arachnotrons were getting stuck or clipping any map geometry.
I also checked the standard radius for the Doom2 arachnotron to compare which is default set to 64 whilst the Doom64 arachnotron is set to 40.

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Guest - - 698,182 comments

Dunno about you guys and it may just be me but some weapons like they dont pack a whole punch my example is the Super Shotgun, normally you can one hit a pinky with it when using standard fire right? Well I noticed most of the times when using standard fire (Which uses two shells btw for those who dont know) it doesnt kill a pinky in one and i wasted two shells because of it but if i fire two rounds of the normal shotgun i mostly kill it in two shots which is really strange?

Either way I enjoy the mod especially with PSX music and stuff really gives that horror atmosphere!

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have tweaked both the SSG and Shotgun. Give the latest download a try.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
bohorat - - 39 comments

just downloaded latest one, tried it on modern hardcore, and the problem is still there. it takes 2 shot to kill pinky with SSG and 5 for caco while normal shotgun can kill caco with 4 shots. is it something wrong with the balance or that difficulty is like that? I haven't played brutal doom for a while so i can't remember correctly

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

Monsters have more health on Hardcore. I usually test on Watch me Die which is more akin to the Ultra Violence on Doom. The SSG is indeed more powerful on Brutal Doom while the power on the SSG on BD64 is more like on normal Doom.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
fleet84 - - 158 comments

is the fallen monster at the beginning of the 6th level supposed to be invincible?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

The fallen monster can only be be spawned randomly by random spawner option.
The answer is no as there are there are no invincible monsters. Were you on map 06 of the BD64 campaign or the Retribution maps?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fleet84 - - 158 comments

the BD64 campaign

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have just tested. The fallen dies fine. However, Fallen are impervious to fire damage and have reduced damage from plasma type weapons.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fleet84 - - 158 comments

was able to kill the fallen with my chaingun, didnt know it was weapon specific

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ReeeeDeeee - - 1 comments

I have a small suggestion involving the Revolver and fanning it with the Berserk Pack. Instead of overriding the Alt-fire, it should be temporarily added as a third option allowing you to switch between Uncocked, Cocked, and Fanning.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

Hi ReeeeDeeee,
I have now revised the tactical revolver fanning fire. The fanning action is now triggered by the weapon action special button.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,182 comments

This is awesome! Great work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
krystal123456tktk - - 1 comments

hello SWC132994 very cool mod i may say.
now i have some problems here im using GZDoom and DML but i dont know maybe im ordering the pk3 files wrong cuz i havent seen the new enemies or weapons so if you can help me posthing a list whit the correct pk3 file order so i can fix it please

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I think we spoke on Discord.
For anyone else who has this issue. The correct load order is the game file must be loaded first. Then the maps if you want to played the D64 maps. Then any addon after that.
N.B. Remember to remove any old BD64 files.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,182 comments

Will be the final update soon?
I read it was planned for 31st october but it was delayed right?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

You are correct. The posting of the update on ModDB is delayed until the monster roadmap is finished and any remaining bugs are squashed. I do also plan to post this mod as a separate fork rather than an update to BD64 v2. Until that time, all mod and maintained addon files are available through the Mega link posted above and are regularly updated.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
max-damage - - 257 comments

Hi mate,
We tried again to get BD64 to work in the network environment at our Christmas LAN party in December - unfortunately ultimately unsuccessful.
After trying out a few things, we unfortunately had to give up at some point, even though we are actually very experienced with setting up stuff for LAN gaming.
It's really maddening, but apparently we're doing something wrong because when connecting the clients to the server there's always an error saying that the same WADs aren't being used.

Everyone has exactly the same WADs (I always make all data available via a network storage in the LAN - none of the systems/PCs in the network have an Internet connection - everything runs purely offline in the LAN)!

Is the order of the files under “Additional WADs and files (check the required ones)” somehow relevant?

Below I have translated the instructions/guide that I wrote for our LANs into English.
I would be happy (thank you very much in advance) if you could give me a tip/hint as to what we are doing wrong:

In order to be able to host or join a LAN server in a meaningful way, it is recommended to use Doomseeker (already included in the Zandronum installer package).

Procedure for setting up and starting the game:

- First you should create a game directory with the desired name (e.g.: G:\BrutalDoom64\)
- Have the Zandronum installer (zandronum3.1-win32-installer.exe) installed in this previously created directory (the installer must be run as administrator!)
- Extract the current "Development Build" files (the contents from the archive) into the same directory (overwrite the existing files!)
- Copy the DOOM2.WAD into this directory as well (see archive: "Doom II - Hell on Earth (BFG Edition).zip")
- In this game root directory there should also be a subdirectory called skins since installing Zandronum
- Copy the following BD64 mod files into this skins directory (the files are located in the "BD64_v2.666" archive):
Minimum requirements:
1. BD64game_v2.666.pk3
2. BD64maps_v2.666.pk3
3. BD64music_v2.666_Plus_Bonus_Tracks.pk3
Other optional files (*):
4. BD64v2.666_SkiesHD.pk3
5. STAnnouncerPack_[Zandronum].pk3
6. FUBAR83_BD64_HD_Textures.pk3

- Run/start doomseeker.exe
- under Options --> Configure --> Games --> Zandronum --> check that the correct path ("Path to game executable") to zandronum.exe is specified (e.g.: G:/BrutalDoom64/ zandronum.exe)
- under Options --> Configure --> File paths --> specify the path to the game root directory (e.g.: G:/BrutalDoom64)

Hosting a session / My recommendations for server settings:

- Click on “Create game” in Doomseeker
> Game = Zandronum
> Executable = G:/BrutalDoom64/zandronum.exe
> Server name = retrolan
> Game mode = as you wish
> Map = as you wish
> IWAD = G:/BrutalDoom64/skins/BD64game_v2.666.pk3
> Additional WADs and files (check the required ones) = select all additional pk3 packages here!
In our case these would be the packages mentioned above:
> Broadcast to LAN = Checkbox must be set!

--> You can even set under the deathmatch tab ("When someone exits the level... kill the player") that if someone leaves the level via the regular level end, they will be killed automatically and the next map will not be loaded :-)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I will test this out as soon as I can. For the death match maps I shall remove the access to the map exits so the only way to exit is by finishing the death match.
Have you tried just the game and map files without anything else?

n.b. The HD music file is no longer required as a prerequisite as the normal midi music is now included in the maps file. If using the skins folder for mods in Zandronum then the load order will be alphabetical.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have started looking into Doomseeker. Although I wasn't able to create a host, I did notice where you may have gone wrong.
Shouldn't the IWAD be something like Doom2.wad, Freedoom2.wad or any official WAD. Then the extra files should then be BD64game_v2.666.pk3 & BD64maps_v2.666.pk3.

I tend to avoid loading mods using the /skins folder and use a doom launcher. I noticed Doomseeker uses a similar method by allowing to load additional WADs and files (pk3s). Perhaps just give that a try instead and avoid using the skins folder.

Therefore the IWAD could be Doom2.wad.
extra files:
1. BD64game_v2.666.pk3
2. BD64maps_v2.666.pk3

Give this a go and let me know. n.b. I have updated game and maps files on Mega so maybe grab the latest as is and make sure everyone is using the same.

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max-damage - - 257 comments

First of all, thank you very much for taking a closer look at this. I will check this again with the new knowledge when I have the LAN PCs together again.

To be honest, I don't know anything about Zandronum or doomseeker. I just read up on it "quickly" and tried to put together a short guide for the others at the LAN parties because I only did it because we wanted to play Brutal Doom 64 via LAN :)

The error would then be at this point:

> IWAD = G:/BrutalDoom64/skins/BD64game_v2.666.pk3
> Additional WADs and files (check the required ones) = select all additional pk3 packages here!
In our case these would be the packages mentioned above:

And it should correctly say/read like this:

> IWAD = G:/BrutalDoom64/DOOM2.WAD
> Additional WADs and files (check the required ones) = select all additional pk3 packages here!
In our case these would be the packages mentioned above:

Or have I misunderstood something? :)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

The load order looks correct.

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max-damage - - 257 comments

Thank you very much for your answer and your support :)
If we only use > IWAD = G:/BrutalDoom64/skins/BD64game_v2.666.pk3 without any additional files, then it's working. But when we add the additional files here > Additional WADs and files (like BD64maps_v2.666.pk3) - it's not working anymore.

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

this is fire!!! Thank you! anyone know of map packs for this that are doom 64ish?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

The only episodes available at the moment are the compatible D64 Retribution maps. The link is though Mega above.
There are some who are working on more compatible maps for this but they are not finished.

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oldscoolman - - 10 comments

awesome work guys! two questions, will this eventually be ported to gzdoom? and the music for the end sequence with the monster it possible to download the track? its fantastic and fits doom 64 perfectly

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

This mod is already compatible with GZDoom.
Here is a link to the track:

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

i notice that the plazma gun balls fire a little low under the crosshair is there a way i can raise them up a little in slade or something? or was it like that in the OG doom64? thanks for sharing this with everyone!!

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 388 comments

I have adjust the spawn height of the plasma ball projectile. Give the latest download a whirl from Mega.

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