VTMB shares its 18th anniversary with Half-Life 2, so let's share the love and dig into some great mods for this sleeper-hit RPG, too!
World of Darkness has announced a new live show with ties to VTMB, so here's five mods to play whilst you listen!
Complete mod for: vtmb + up 11.5rc10.4 plus installed -- with pdf manual, readme(s) and optional packages inside -- 1.06 gb
Pdf manual -- infos about Bloodlines Extreme 1.87.2 -- it's inside the mod too -- 30.5 mb
[OBSOLETE, archived] Complete mod for: vtmb + up 11.5rc8 plus installed -- with pdf manual, readme(s) and optional packages inside -- 1.04 gb
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Next Bloodlines Extreme release about July 20
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Is there an extensive list with all the changes to XP gained and also the changes to NPCs that increase stats for min-max players? The only thing stopping me from installing this awesome mod is that I will have no idea how to plan my character due to these changes.
Well, just play it more than 1 time, as you did surely when you started for first times VTMB or any other game. But don't care so much...
Follow tips in manual (also about money). There is no list, because mod has always a lot of datas (manual, readmes, etc.) and I cannot write any change in detail, also about NPCs Anyway XPs are in ...\vdata\system\experience_table.txt file. (Eventually comparate it, but it 'll be difficult - or impossible - to "understand" because it needs a "global" vision of the game and also with other mod changes). But as I said... read some tip and follow your "instinct" too in game. About NPCs (and some item, etc) increasing stats, just enjoy the.. surprise :)
The experience_table file will certainly be helpful. Thanks a lot for that. Is there any file where I can also check which NPCs boost which stats?
NP. About NPCs I don't remember all of them.. because I changed that many years ago. Maybe they are 3 or 4... You want to calculate too much :)
Just play and set points on some skill when you NEED REALLY it. And if you have BIG difficulties in BE, you find a solution in it also: replace the npcs templates (manual, Notes pag.2)
Thanks for being so responsive... And I loved your male tremere reskin ;-)
Np, and about textures, skins, etc. I did the "max" for relative resolutions, minimum size with maximum quality/detail. If you find big problems, feel free to post, but possibly don't be guest. (When "guest", I could not speak too much -spoilers- about some feature. Being not guest, I can eventually answer in private too). Have fun.
Please, can you fix elevator's buttons?? Thanks.
I guess you mean those buttons in Skyeline apt. I always considered them just a "little thing", but after your request I 'll fix them in next BE. Ciao
PS: don't be "guest", ty.
Added: the new BE is on. Have fun
xMAX, my query was why is Strauss awarding the Thaumaturgical talisman to every PC who destroys the gargoyle and does not spill the beans to Isaac Abrams? What use will the talisman be to a non-Tremere PC? Instead Strauss could just give the original gift (pearl of Dubai) or simply money.
Also the gifting of the Tremere haven I can understand, though Heather appearing in both the Downtown havens simultaneously is slightly bewildering, but why is Strauss accepting the non-Tremere PC as a member of the Tremere Pyramid as well? This is strictly non-canon as the Tremere never share their secrets with the other clans, unless a very high boon or reward is granted.
Hello gtanushyam. Well... Strauss offers Haven, but only if you didn't betray him and that is not a little thing. And he is anyway "guilty" of something. Belonging to the Camarilla, he builds a Gargoyle (and we guess in a not necessary moment) creating problems also to another camarilla Baron (Isaac in HW). And not only. He doesn't say anything to him and mainly to the Prince. This is a real breakup of any code in Vampires clans. And for that, he reward you with an Haven. Just as... "a secret for a secret". Money (as your suggestion) was not enough, and it could seem like a.. "simple" corruption... And Pearl of Dubai is always in another part of game. About item.. player can just sell it if want. About Heather.. it's a false problem too, because you, as player, cannot be in 2 different places in the same moment. And anyway she, by default, "follows" always the player through the havens. Obviously I have not the "truth" about all this, but I think these changes are acceptable.
Thanks for your pondered comment and acumen.