Blender addon for import and export of Dawn of War models.

Key features

  • Import and Export Functionality: Supports the Dawn of War model format(.whm), including meshes, textures, bones, markers and animations.
  • Object Editor support: Allows export to Object Editor model format(.sgm) so you can configure the unit properties, e.g. motions and actions.
  • Built-in conversion of textures: Automatically imports .rsh texture files, including all additional layers, and exports all of it back.

Note: the addon is being developed on GitHub and I would appreciate it if you drop a star there.



  1. Download the latest release from the Releases page.
  2. In Blender go to "Edit -> Preferences"
  3. Go to the "Addons" tab, click "Install.." and select ""
  4. Set up the "Mod folder" option to the path to your mod.


Make sure you are using Blender 4.1 or newer.
The addon reports some messages that you can find in Info Editor.
In case it doesn't help feel free to file an issue.

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Export tutorial

Players Modelling Tutorial 2 comments

Exporting a model

Here I'll show steps on how to export this model from Blender to DoW.

techgirl army painter

  1. Open the model
    1. Download the model
    2. Import the model to Blender.
      Go to File -> Import -> glTF and select the model.
    3. Remove Plane and Book meshes.
  2. Reduce vertex count
    DoW uses 16 bits for vertex indices, so you cannot have more than 65536 vertices per mesh.
    In practice, DoW fails much earlier at about 8000 vertices in my experience.
    A typical DoW model uses about 5000 vertices for all meshes together.
    In the case of this model, the main offender is the Body mesh with 115K polygons.
    Blender offers a lot of options for reducing polygon count. Here I used the simplest ones:
      1. Manually remove extra vertices
        Many meshes in the model actually consist of 2 layers of polygons. You need to select and remove extra layers.

        • Select the mesh
        • Go to Materials
        • Select FullBlack or FullBlack.001 material and click the Select button
        • Delete selected vertices

        For the Body mesh it's a good idea to instead remove vertices with Body material and then switch material for the remaining slot from FullBlack.001 back to Body and flip all face normals of the mesh. This way you can save small details like eyelashes.
        Additionally you can remove parts of Body hidden by other meshes.

      2. Add Decimate modifiers
        For the majority of meshes you can simply add a Decimate modifier and set the Ratio to about 0.2. It is also required that all polygons are triangular, so add a Triangulate modifier as well.
        You can use vertex groups to limit a Decimate modifier to a part of the mesh, e. g. keep face detailed while affecting the rest of the Body mesh.

      3. Here is what the final model with statistics looks like in Blender:
    Screenshot from 2024 06 30 15 04
  3. Remove unnecessary materials
    Go through the mesh list and remove FullBlack and FullBlack.001 materials.
    The addon cannot export them because they don't have an image and the model looks fine without them.
  4. Export the model to .sgm
    Go to File -> Export -> Dawn of War Object Editor model (.sgm).
    You can uncheck "Convert Textures" to avoid warnings about attempted conversion to .rsh
    Screenshot from 2024 06 30 15 16.

  5. Convert textures
    Since the original model uses .png textures and the addon can only convert .dds you need to convert them to .rsh manually.
    By default the textures are exported into the folder with the same name as the exported model.
    1. Resize and convert to .dds The original model uses textures of size 1024x1024, and Object Editor really doesn't like it.
      I'm using ImageMagick here, but there are probably other ways:
      ls -1 -I info.txt | xargs -I % convert % -resize 512
    2. Copy .dds textures into the appropriate location inside DataGeneric mod folder (e.g. art/ebps/races/space_marines/texture_share). Check info.txt in the exported textures folder.
    3. Use Texture Tool to convert copied .dds textures to .rsh.
  6. Create .whe
    1. Put the exported .sgm file inside the DataGeneric mod folder and open it with Object Editor
    2. Follow this tutorial and setup the default action with idle motion.
  7. Export the model to .whm
    Go to File -> Export -> Dawn of War model (.whm).
  8. Put converted textures, .whm and .whe files into your mod folder
    I put the resulting techgirl.whm and techgirl.whe into Data/art/ebps/races/space_marines/troops
  9. Configure DoW to show your model in Army Painter
    1. Open your mod with Corsix's Mod Studio
    2. Add an entity to Data/attrib/ebps/races/space_marines/troops
      You can copy an existing file and change entity_blueprint_ext - animator value to Races/Space_Marines/Troops/techgirl
      Also set ui_info - screen_name_id value to Techgirl and data type to Text
    3. Edit space_marine_race.rgd.
      Find Data/attrib/racebps/space_marine_race.rgd and set teamcolour_preview - entity_03 value to techgirl.
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Blender Dawn of War Addon v0.11

Blender Dawn of War Addon v0.11

Full Version 2 comments

The first release. It should mostly work but may still have some bugs.

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ombrephenix - - 12 comments

Certainly one of the most important "ModTool" projects of recent years. We, the Modders, do not exist without the tools created by the craftsmen of the Code. (hard code) You allow us to dream of the future.
An open source engine for Dow being the holy grail.
It's not absurd like utopia. Large modding communities have dared to take the plunge. (Ex: OpenMorrowind, TAspring...)


- Original author of UI Evolution. Codex (U.A/FoK and other U.I use my work directly or indirectly.)
- 2D/3D art design of the Praetorian Guard faction. (Modding Resource for Mod Projects)
- Contribution O.E/3D objective_points_SS. (yes that too)
I think I've also made some relevant gameplay suggestions with my A.E/LUA/Gamescreen work.

Why give you my CV? Just so you realize that your work is truly appreciated by those who realize what you have just offered to the DoW/SS community.

Fame is a pipe dream and should not be a goal. Being a Modder is a militant act against any form of lobotomy.

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Aphrodite_child - - 139 comments

Just amazing!

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GrOrc - - 1,006 comments

!!!Great news!!!

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NecroMatt - - 129 comments

Bow Down to the King!!

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Guest - - 698,143 comments


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Kyobiis - - 14 comments

I've been waiting for something like this since I started modding a long time ago, thanks man, you're an absolute madlad!

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