BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.

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That infamous plot twist

If you played BioShock around its original 2007 release, you’ll remember the twist. Because it’s the sort of twist, as with Fight Club (it was him all along!), The Sixth Sense (he was dead all along!) and The Happening (I’ll never get those two hours back!) you never forget. A modern replay is actually only richer now you know it… and if you don’t, well, we envy you. Now you get to experience it for the first time.

Whether you’re new to BioShock or a fan of the franchise, you can now stream BioShock Remastered on NVIDIA SHIELD with a GeForce NOW membership ($7.99 a month and free to try out for one month). BioShock 2 Remastered is also available to purchase via GeForce NOW for 75% off its regular full price for a limited time, and comes with an additional free key to download the game on PC.

BIO 02

A little bit of politics

If there’s one thing we all agree on, it’s that gamers love nothing more than a good, hard examination of objectivism, capitalism and morality as laid down in Ayn Rand’s 1000-page 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged. You’re probably breathing hard just reading that.

And that’s exactly what BioShock’s instant classic of a story does. The early game went through various settings (including a spaceship and a lost WWII Nazi bunker) before slipping beneath the waves to a city inspired by New York’s art deco Rockefeller Center – and the statue of Atlas outside it.

BIO 04

BioShock’s utopian city of Rapture was built in 1946 by Andrew Ryan (an anagram of Ayn Rand), a character loosely based on the first US billionaire, noted philanthropist John D Rockefeller. Add in Atlas (who guides you via radio), plus the central tension to act either selfishly or for the good of others, and the links become clear. That’s because Rand (infamously dubbed ‘Big Sister’ by one critic…) says selfishness is a virtue, capitalism should run unchecked and that morally you should be driven purely by self-interest. The ruined Rapture of 1960, which you as mid-Atlantic air crash survivor Jack discover, is the result.

It’s clever stuff, and never dull thanks to these ideas being baked right into the entire world, from the very first brick of Rapture to the last Plasmid fireball. You can bake underwater, right? Anyway whatever.

BIO 06

That gorgeous undersea setting

It’s no coincidence that nitrogen narcosis, which causes everything from hallucinations and euphoria to death in deep-sea divers, is also known as ‘the rapture of the deep’. And it’s no coincidence that Rapture’s hallucinatory wonders are so beautiful – developer 2K Boston hired an artist and a programmer just to do water effects. The abyss only looks more stunning now, with updated water and particle effects, on modern systems.

BIO 03

Superpowers that beat all normal guns

With science running ‘unchecked by morality,’ Rapture’s citizens have access to Plasmids. These use a substance called Adam (extracted from sea slugs implanted in little girls) to genetically modify users to shoot fire, electricity, gravity-warping beams and more from their hands. They were supposed to be labor-saving, but funnily enough people started using them as weapons instead… how odd.

The best way to get more Adam is by ‘Harvesting’ the Little Sisters, though that incurs the wrath of their huge, diver-suited protectors, the Big Daddies. Excessive Adam use has the unfortunate side-effect of sending people crazy: most of those still alive in Rapture are Splicers. These are insane, hostile mutants with powers including teleportation, spider-like climbing and total electrical resistance. You need all your guns, mines and superpowers to convince them of your new economic and social model. Convince them dead.

BIO 05

Stealth, hacking and horror

BioShock is far from just run and gun. Rapture’s grandiose ruins are dark, the insanity of its remaining citizens is darker still and it’s a spooky, survival-horror kind of trip. The hub-like design and three-way fight (Splicers and Big Daddies can fight among themselves) perfectly suits the freedom of open-ended play – you can often choose to sneak past, to provoke fights among your enemies, or to hack security systems, robots, turrets and cameras to your advantage. You can set traps and use decoys. Or you can just blow the hell out of everything.

Alternative endings

Your treatment of the Little Sisters (save them and get some Adam, kill them and get more) changes the ending significantly. Will you be selfish and Randian, or philanthropic and – as Andrew Ryan would see it – weak? Your role in Rapture is not without consequence. Not at all…

BioShock and BioShock 2 are now available on NVIDIA SHIELD via GeForce NOW. A GeForce NOW membership is free to try out for one month, just $7.99 a month after that, with certain premium titles available to purchase separately including BioShock 2.

Anime Fans Contest 2016

Anime Fans Contest 2016

News 9 comments

Here you have the opportunity to win a lot of different games!

May 5th 2016 comes new Anime contest again!

May 5th 2016 comes new Anime contest again!

News 10 comments

Great competition where you can win big games for anime fans!

Unofficial Bioshock Day

Unofficial Bioshock Day


Hang out with your friend, or just chill alone. Play through Bioshock on any difficulty, and just have fun!

Games As Art? Are We There Yet? Part 1

Games As Art? Are We There Yet? Part 1

Feature 28 comments

Discussing the Popular and successful games of 2007 that really are Art.

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Bioshock Tweaker

Bioshock Tweaker

Graphics Tool 35 comments

This is an simple tool to tweak the advanced settings of BioShock, which are hidden to the user and cannot be configured from the in-game menu.

Bioshock Double Enemy Health

Bioshock Double Enemy Health

Script 1 comment

Makes all enemies twice as tough. Halo mythic skull for bioshock.

Haunted Ocean ENB

Haunted Ocean ENB

Haunted Ocean ENB Full Version 18 comments

Haunted Ocean ENB for Bioshock - Made using Boris Vorontsov's ENB Series shaders. This is a mod I honestly made for myself, and was intended to give a...

Silver's Bioshock Mod 7.2 (alpha)

Silver's Bioshock Mod 7.2 (alpha)

Demo 21 comments

***VERY IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing crashes when hacking machines, please download the hacking.ini file linked to in description.*** | Version...

BioShock 1 Logo Dreamscene

BioShock 1 Logo Dreamscene

Full Version

This is of the BioShock logo with the water falling off of it.

Bioshock 2 Wallpaper Pack

Bioshock 2 Wallpaper Pack

Wallpaper 1 comment

8 Bioshock 2 Wallpapers in 4:3 (1280x1024 pixels) and 16:9 (1680x1050)

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 94)
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,962 comments

Shotgun / Tommy gun the Big Daddy and use the wrench on everything else. The damn thing hits like a truck.

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CyborgParrot - - 1,733 comments

As much as I love System Shock 2, this Game is a masterpiece of the FPS genre.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,617 comments

Everyone who says that Bioshock's Rapture is the proof that objectivism and capitalism fail must not have paid much attention to the plot of the game. The city experienced massive intellectual and artistic growth and development for the first 12 years. It was a nice and prosperous place. It was all ruined by Fontaine. The reason Fontaine was able to gain such power and wealth was through smuggling illegal goods from the outside world. Ryan prohibited trade with said outside world, which is completely against laissez-faire capitalism. Also, the use of ADAM made the people of rapture irrational; Ayn Rand's ideas are only compatible with rational people. If anything, objectivism and capitalism made Rapture great and the denial of its founding principles made it fall!

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Guest - - 698,129 comments

Can someone tell me why are there only like 2 mods for this game?

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EffBoyardee - - 19 comments

Unfortunately the developers of the game decided to never release an Editor

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NightSshadeGaming - - 269 comments

Made a little let's play :

This game is a beast :D Can't say much more, since I haven't finished it yet :) But it's awesome!

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Theevina - - 262 comments

Just got this game on a Steam sale. I played it in a day and a half. It was spectacular.

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Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments

This game is not on Unreal Engine 3, it's on Unreal 2.5.

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Valezen - - 371 comments

its not ******* pirated if its not sold for god damn profit. damn! i payd 59.99 for it though and got the DLC for plasmid like sonic boom which is FUN to blow people back the get za shotgun :D

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Polyesta - - 210 comments

too bad i had this for xbox.

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HDremakeEVERYTHING - - 76 comments

I originally played it on 360. Thought it was okay, then I got it for PC and liked it 10x more. The controller does not do this game any favors.

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