Post article RSS Articles  (0 - 30 of 88,881)

Welcome to modDB v0.95

Mod DB 20 comments

Well well well... if you are seeing this, then believe it or not but you are looking at the brand spanking new v0.95 of the moddatabase! For all those...

URL Changes

Mod DB 3 comments

As you can see the moddatabase employes a rather uber URL system at the moment such as rather than having However the next update to the modDB that shall...

modDB Downtime in 45minutes *UPDATE*

Mod DB 1 comment

Ok the update listed below has been completed and all links updated. If you find any 404 links please email me them Also this domain change may have affected...

modDB v1.0 Complete

Mod DB 4 comments

With the new URLs implemented and working it looks like modDB v1.0 is finally done! From the feedback gained thus far everyone seems to like the site...

Exclusive Mod Feature Complete

Mod DB 2 comments

I just sucessfully implemented one of the many secret modification features I have been testing. This feature which is exclusive to modifications only...

Mod Database Explaination...

Mod DB 14 comments

With PlanetHalflife and various other 'big name' sites kind enough to spread the word of the moddatabase and over 80 people online at the time of writing...

Mods Other Than Halflife Ones...

News 6 comments

For all those from modification backgrounds other than Halflife, rest assured the aim of this site is to list every mod, regardless of game to create...

New Poll

News 1 comment

*IMPORTANT* On the right menu there is a new poll which is important for everyone visiting the modDB espicially the mod leaders and the many guests. You...

Mod Database Updates

Mod DB 2 comments

Well various stuff has been happening around the modDB lately. First off the following games are now available, due to popular demand: - Doom III - Unreal...

Forum Are Getting There

Mod DB 20 comments

Yep you heard right, the moddatabase forum is getting there pretty much on time. Hopefully by tommorow there will be an early version to browse and post...


modDB Takes some time out with the BuzzyBot father!


Part Two of our Halflife Mod Expo feature has just been posted. Now to reiterate what was said in the first part: "If you live under a big rock than this...

Forums Are Up!

Mod DB 4 comments

After one fairly hectic week, I have managed to develop custom forums for the moddatabase which are adequatly complete, to unleash you lot onto!! The...

HL Mod Expo Feature Complete


Finally 4 interviews later and the moddatabases HL Mod Expo Wrapup Interviews are complete! Unfortunatly at the time of writing the Global Warfare mod...

New Poll + Important Mod Update

Mod DB

Ok, the newest poll is up 'What do you look for in a mod? (gameplay style wise)' So be sure to submit your vote and join in the discussion! Secondly following...

*UPDATE* Custom Game Topsite Link Images Available!

Mod DB 11 comments

Ok the topsite link in no longer gives a 404! Sorry I accidentally stuffed something minor up. Secondly these are just demo topsite images!! There is...

modDB No Longer Bandwidth Hungry

Mod DB 7 comments

The moddatabase has today lost its title as a bandwidth hungry biatch. In little over a month of operation this site has sucked down 50gigs despite not...

Feature System Complete!

Mod DB 5 comments

Well, after 3 days of solid coding the moddatabases feature system is pretty much as good as done! To explain exactly what it is, I will answer the following...

modDB Downtime

Mod DB 12 comments

I must apolgise to all of those who have been trying to access the moddatabase during the past 18hours or so. Unfortunatly due to server errors (nothing...

Gamespot: Mod, Mod World Article

News 6 comments

An awesome in-depth article covering modifications spanning many games have just been posted @ Gamespot. This article entitled, 'Its a mod, mod world...

*IMPORTANT* New Mod Listing Policy

Mod DB 9 comments

A while ago, an issue was raised regarding what to do with 'dead or permanently' in-active mods listed in the database which distract from the many 'active...


Natural Selection To Go Gold!

Natural Selection 13 comments

An update, was just recieved regarding the greatly anticipated Natural Selection Mod, which has recieved an award right here at the modDB! Anyhow here...

Top Mods of 2002

Top Mods of 2002

2002 Mod of the Year Awards 13 comments

Mod Fanatic, As the end of 2002 rolls ever nearer, many games sites are probably planning their wrapup on the best games of the year. Well been a mod...

modDB Christmas Cheer

Mod DB 4 comments

Got a little GFX talent? Interested in obtaining an exclusive POP email address or hosting for your website / modification? Then...

Max Payne

Mod Image Galleries Implemented!

Sample Mod 4 comments

Mod image galleries are the latest feature to be worked into the moddatabase. The basic idea behind the image galleries is to allow modifications to upload...

modDB Milestone Reached

Mod DB 4 comments

A rather impressive milestone has just been reached by the mod database. Little over a week ago the 500,000th mod profile was visited. Averaging around...

Merry Christmas All!

Mod DB 6 comments

Merry Christmas to all from the mod database team! What a crazy year it has been on this page. Growing at such a phenomial rate, that the server is struggling...

Mod Ratings Optionally Disabled

Mod DB 6 comments

Many have noticed and complained (some praised) the 'mod rating system' seen in all mod profiles. This system allows visitors to that mod to rate it on...

Mod Database Working 100%

Mod DB 3 comments

You may have noticed a few strange things happening about the moddatabase lately. The reason why, is because the 1 gigbyte worth of harddrive space allocated...

New Mod Database Features + Milestone Reached

Mod DB 5 comments

Work continues around the moddatabaseand as such there are a few new features to be seen. First off, for the forum goers there is now a quick reply feature...

New Poll + 8000 members!

Mod DB 3 comments

Well it looks like the 8000 members mark has just been pipped. To all those who took the time to register and are now getting the most out of the site...