In the Year 2199, Earth was attacked by the Gamilas Empire, Earth was nearly defeated if not for the valiant efforts of the Space Battleship Yamato and her crew. The Yamato and crew would then face many foes over the next five years, nearly facing destruction at every turn. You play as the Commanding General of the United Nations Cosmo Navy during what became known as The Five Years of Fire. In this total conversion mod, you will be able to chose playing as the EDF, Galman Empire, Gatlantis Comet Empire, Bolar Federation, or The Dark Nebulan Empire as you battle across space. Will you take command of the mighty Yamato and protect the Earth or work to bring about the absolute domination of the Galaxy?
Release of Five Years of Fire Alpha Version after a long period of silence!
alpha version release
Launching the sign up for the Five Years of Fire Alpha Test phase!
alpha testing sign up
Long awaited update regarding the Mod and it's status!
we're off to outer space!
Update regarding some meshes and announcing a design contest!
fan creation contest
An update following unfortunate months of silence.
apologies, updates, new year
Updates to the UNCF ship models, textures, and some history.
updating textures and new model work
Update progress on textures and music sountrack replacement!
texture update
Update on the UN Cosmo Navy ship model work for early game.
un cosmo navy 2199 era vessels
Introducing Yamato for the RTS player within Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion!
space battleship yamato: five years of fire
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