Tutorial written by P.o.W. Mirrored here for archival purposes.
AI Using an MG42
P.o.W. explains how to set you sp_ map up to have an AI use an mg42Ok gonna talk through setting up ai to use an mg42. This tutorial is aimed at sp begginers and is very easy to do.
Ok so lets make a start... Right click and do misc --> turret. Then have a key of model with the value of xmodel/weapon_mg42. Then insert weaponinfo as the key and the value as mg42_bipod_stand. The on the entity window u will see some more options like arcs which is how far the mg42 can be turned in that direction. use wot u like and then place the gun on wotever u want.
Now make a pathnode, the pink 1s. put this about 8 units behind the gun.
Now make an actor
Tick spawner and forcespawn and then make a trigger were u want it, make it into a trigger mulltiple and then add the spawn AI trigger to it.
Now connect IN THIS ORDER the trigger (if u have 1) to the actor, then the actor to the pathnode and finally the pathnode to the mg42.
**ADDITION** If you would like a situation of once the gunner dies some1 else spawns to use the gun then follow this next bit.
On the trigger enter key targetname and a value of flood and secure. then on the actor and a count of hw ever many ai u want to ever spawn from this actor, for example 3.
You can also use other features like :
key = script_additive_delay // Additive delay is the # of seconds extra a flood_spawner will wait for each additional spawning. Defaults to 1 second.
script_killspawner // When you go through a trigger with this on it, any spawners that have the same # will be deleted.