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Post tutorial Report RSS Adding a Skybox


Posted by on - Intermediate Mapping/Technical

Tutorial written by [OUTLAW]DrUmBuM. Mirrored here for archival purposes.

Adding a Skybox

Before you test your map you must have at least one DM spawn point, a global intermission, and worldspawn settings


try not to get stressed if you get lost along the way

Simply go to tools, then usage and sky. The sky texture will not come up in the texture window but they are there, just pick one! Then make a box that is huge that goes all around your map, length ways, sideways, height, just all over just so it covers everything you have done. Then once you have done this, with the box selected, click the "hollow" tool on the tool bar at the top. It is the center of the tool bar and looks like a square which has a dashed edge around it in a red/brown color if you leave your mouse on it it will say hollow so you know thats the right button. This will make the box hollow like a sky. Press escape to deselect the sky (since its hollow it now has 6 sides, NEVER RESIZE IT, OR MOVE ONE OF THE SIDES OF THE SKY IT WILL MESS UP YOUR MAP WHEN YOU TEST IT) **So if you ever need to make more room just delete all of the sky box- remember there is a bottom and top too, then just start over** Even with a sky your map has no light so lets do the worldspawn now


In radiant, press "N" It should bring up a window like in my screenshot below this is what we call the "Entity window"

I have labeled it as well. Listed below is a list of different worldspawn settings used for the stock maps. you can chose which ever one you would like based on what those maps look like you can pick to have your map give the same lighting effect! you can also match the skybox texture to the worldspawn settings so it looks just like that multiplayer map- you do not have to do that, any skybox will work with any worldspawn.

How to enter the worldspawn settings?! scroll down in the entity window so you can click on worldspawn- like in my picture i have it labeled as "click here"

then in the key and value section enter the keys and values of the map you chose to use the worldspawn for- for example just below is mp_breakout, the keys are on the left and the values on the right, so you would enter in keys "_color" WITHOUT THE QUOTATIONS! and under value copy and paste the numbers just as they are listed, and then hit enter on your keyboard and bam one key/value entered, do the rest for that map to have complete worldspawn settings. you can double check what you entered in the little window above the key/value spot i have that labeled as well. If you mess up, have one key or value selected in that window and hit "delete key/pair.


"northyaw" "90"
"_color" "1 .95 .95"
"ambient" "0.05"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.82 0.85"
"diffusefraction" "0.31"
"sundirection" "-137.8 305 0"
"suncolor" "0.9 0.95 1"
"sunlight" "1.5"


sky texture: sky_rhinecrossing
worldspawn settings:

"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"_color" "0.000000 0.501961 1.000000"


sky texture: sky_silotown
worldspawn settings:

"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".56"
"ambient" ".0"
"sundirection" "-40 -138 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"
"sunlight" "1.8"

mp_dawnville (St Mere Eglise)

sky texture: sky_dawnville2
worldspawn settings:

"ambient" ".0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".6"
"sundirection" "-57 169 0"
"suncolor" ".9 .92 .85"
"sunlight" "1.2"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"northyaw" "90"


sky texture: sky_decoy
worldspawn settings:

"sundiffusecolor" "0.15 0.21 .6"
"diffusefraction" "0.4"
"sundirection" "-60 245 0"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"ambient" ".0"
"suncolor" ".5 .52 .55"
"sunlight" ".47"
"northyaw" "180"


sky texture: sky_cityhall
worldspawn settings:
"-contrastgain" ".4"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"ambient" ".0"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-24 -127 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".40"


sky texture: sky_beltot
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"_color" "0.890196 0.733333 0.407843"
"ambient" "0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".58 .59 .71"
"sundirection" "-19 -70 0"
"suncolor" ".94 .62 .5"
"sunlight" "1.3"


sky texture: sky_moscow
worldspawn settings:
"ambient" ".0"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-70 35 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".52"


sky texture: sky_libyatown
worldspawn settings:

"suncolor" "1.00 0.88 0.85"
"sundirection" "-20 315 0"
"sunlight" "1.45"
"sundiffusecolor" "1.00 0.86 0.89"
"_color" "1.00 0.781 0.275"
"diffusefraction" ".45"
"ambient" ".02"


sky texture: sky_trainyard
worldspawn settings:

"sundirection" "-40 225 0"
"suncolor" "100 100 105"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"sundiffusecolor" "100 100 100"
"diffusefraction" ".65"
"ambient" ".1"
"_color" "100 100 105"


sky texture: sky_toujane
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.863 0.922 0.922"
"sundirection" "-45 135 0"
"suncolor" "0.98 0.882 0.745"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"ambient" ".02"
"_color" "0.813 0.804 0.706"


sky texture: test_sky
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"

-Thank you Everyone!

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