Welcome to A World of Ice and Fire. A modification for Mount&Blade;: Warband based off of GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire and the HBO TV show Game of Thrones. This mod has used Brytenwalda's source as a base to re-build upon. Be prepared to create your own house and challenge the Seven Kingdoms in this adaptation of Game of Thrones. A gritty world awaits you full of treachery and traitorous kings, lords and knights. Will you survive the slaughter and take the Iron throne, or will you succumb to the traitorous ways that goes forth in Westeros and Essos.


AWoIaF v9.4. You can go ahead and delete your old files.

A World of Ice and Fire v9.4
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Argeomer - - 5,586 comments

is it compatible with the old saved game?

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produno Author
produno - - 1,636 comments

Yes it is. As long as you come from the last release.

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laurie2001 - - 3 comments

there's no en language!!!

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Andrew1830 - - 38 comments

Hello ! I'm playing your mod on a Mac and I'm having a texture problem on the campaign map and the battle map. I think I need to remove a file from the game but I can't remember which one ?

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Guest - - 698,192 comments

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Guest - - 698,192 comments

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Derex98 - - 1 comments

For me, the only thing your mod is missing is more outfits for the nobility. I know I'm nitpicking, but since Beta 8 which was the first time I played your mod, you have only kept improving it with each update, and considering the state of other mods, you are truly a gem for the Warband modding community good sir!

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