Craig Organ's debut novel, "Echoes from the Void," is now available in hardcover and softcover. This thrilling sci-fi horror story follows survivors on...
Dark Life 2 is still in development and going strong. No release date yet.
New Character Class, Polearms, Potion Crafting, House of Adventurers, New Textures, New Items and Equipment and more!
Notas del autor sobre qué esperar al hacer misiones en Vessel. Author's notes about what to expect while doing quests in Vessel mod.
The first playable public demo for Stardust Rain arrives on Steam!
Mystopia is a cozy sandbox game, inspired by witchcraft from different cultures! We've been working hard on the Mystopia demo, and we're happy to announce...
The development of the game is in full swing! A lot of things have been implemented in the last few weeks. In this post, you can read about how the development...
We’re designing Dustgrave’s combat system to be deep and challenging, giving players a lot of tactical options to engage their enemies. In this article...
The long-awaited update has arrived. Experience new fighting mechanics/styles through interactive training, adaptive playstyle and difficulty based on...
Patch 1.01 for Omega Warp is available now, with improved English localization and several minor fixes or improvements!
Incoming 1304.91 update. Will contains again engine fixes with.
Hello everyone, we are happy to announce the new update for our game, the Visual Update!
Talkin about a certain goal I wanna try to hit this year :)
One year after the original release of Re:Mobilize, the renowned platforming-based single player mod for Quake makes a triumphant Re:turn! This update...
The Anglo Saxons have received some updates late last week + starting with the Franks.
Take a look at the evolution of the character art for Synthaar, and get a sneak preview of what's to come regarding equipment & species in the future!
Discover the Campaign Beta and new content on June 27!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy has now added official mod support for PlayStation and Xbox.
Talking bathtubs and steampunk vending machines for Go Home Annie—all kinds of stuff brewing at Misfit Village!
FRTE has been updated to 1.36 with more new features, new gameplay, and significant difficulty adjustments to make it suitable for players in all skill...
Beautiful subtropics, what could go wrong? As you can see, a lot could go wrong for the first expedition.
Welcome to the first developer's diary for my new project, Saturday Morning Adventures, a massive sandbox mod featuring the characters and settings of...
Hello, today I will tell you about plans connected with mod and why I'm still working on it.
Mountain Terrain Test 1 (Q1SP) illustrates use of techniques for vegetation and terrain blending and other methods for use in J.A.C.K. or TrenchBroom...
Today our first Discord event ever has started. You can ask whatever you want about Arx Insanity, this includes contents, development, questions for the...
Are you interested in a classic vertical scroller, old western theme, shoot 'em up arcade game? Smoking Gun may be for you!
We've improved the game's starting houses to be more polished and have a smoother appearance. We are also improving their functionality, so that the player...