This is an amazing way to replay half-life
Thank you for this masterpiece
A very short romp that lasts about five minutes or so. Good effort, nonetheless.
much epicness
Finally some proper ***'n guns! I really wish Quake 1 shotgun and super shotgun were like these. And the chaingun feels even better than it does in Quake 2! And of course you just can't beat that sweet sound and feel of Q2 grenade launcher - perfection. If only this had muzzle flash and compatibility with missions packs/custom maps...
Fun new levels, something to do while other projects are at work, more is good
This is the real " remastered" version the game. Everything about it is just so modern and neat.
nice work
Very simple. I like it.
Multiverse is basicallly FTL 2. With way more content, in every aspect of the game.
The mod is still being updated and improved despite feeling like a finished game already by this point.
Very cool mod i like the concept of it
Very good mod, impressive work done !
Where do I begin with Half Life 2: MMOD? I'll start off by saying it's definitely one of those mods that is every bit worthy of all its praise.
Personally speaking, I was not a fan of Half Life 1: MMOD. It's good. But I didn't really care for the changes to the game's enemy encounters. Not that they were bad, mind you. I just personally felt they were a tad out of place. Again, just my humble opinion.
However, on the other hand, I have no complaints about Half Life 2: MMOD. The new particle effects are gorgeous. The new weapon animations, while not as great as they were in previous updates, are quite beautiful. They are truly made with an artistic attention to detail. Not to mention, the enhanced polycount for the weapons are lovely to look at.
Also, the combat overhaul this mod brings to Half Life 2 is nothing short of top teir epic quality. I have always loved Half Life 2. But, in all honesty, I was never a fan of the game's combat. Not that there was ever anything wrong with it. I just felt it was one area where Valve could've improved further upon.
And that brings me to this: the combat here, in Half Life 2 MMOD, not only is it exhilarating, it delivers a very satisfying feedback to the player. While playing this mod, I found myself falling in love with Half Life 2's combat. The overhauls to the combat in this mod are well executed. To be quite honest, I could go on even further about Half Life 2: MMOD's combat. But I'll just leave it at that.
As for the rest of this mod? It's all together quite the package. I can see myself coming back to this mod for years to come. And, if I'm being truly honest here, I can't imagine playing Half Life 2 without it. I honestly don't see why anyone would want to go back to the vanilla game after getting to experience all the great features this mod brings. It all feels very natural.
I could keep going on here. But I think I've covered the major factors.
Overall, Half Life 2: MMOD delivers an outstanding and unique experience to, what is already, a truly amazing game: which, in my opinion, only makes this mod all the better.
Verdict - 10/10 masterpiece
Ola sou o Ricardo, vulgo (Ricardo Gamer79). Sou meio novato na area ai, mais sou muito apaixonado por games, principalmente estilp GUERRA, comecei esse ano a jogar pelo pc, com muita batalha adquiri meu pc game, e tenho um gande sonho ser um streamer e crescer muito na area ai. gostei muito da plataforma e do trabalho de voces, e espero pode ajudar muito voces no que der, o que eu puder divulgar por favor me envie no meu email ok. desde muito obrigado e que DEUS ABENCOE O PROJETO DE VOCES .....TMJ
The mod is perfect, only thing it needs is adding the ottoman empire as a playable faction
play RTcW instead, the game from 2001 (Y)
hell yeah