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Oct 20 2023 Anchor

Warez. Its the full game.



INtense! End Boss
Oct 21 2023 Anchor

Removed - thanks!


Scott Reismanis
DBolical | @scottreismanis

Nov 12 2023 Anchor

Hello. My mod page was attacked by pro-russian "Z" fascist bots and lowered rating. I have deleted many comments as nazistic insulting also calling to genocide of ukrainians, asians and jews, one of them was "Akter1994" nickname 1 week ago. I had delete before several month other insulting Z comments from indians, arabs and western MAGA supporting russia. Could moderators block or to limit opportunities russian/indian/arab/MAGA users to commenting and changing ratings? If you ask me to change the mod logo I say no, because my friends still under bombing in Ukraine and loses relatives, because almost half audience the Total War series from russia. Don't legitimize their rightness to genocide and killings just sending me into shadowban or full ban. This isn't just political verbal holywar on forums, Ukraine people are dying by hundreds every day in real. Russians as nazis threats all countries bordering around to kill non russian ethnics to clean lands, I live in one of these under threated countries. In Kazakhstan january 2022s russia sended punitive expediton to suppress the uprising against dictator corruption, russian nazis killed more 1000 people of ethnic kazakhs, and put own puppet, in fact my country occupied. Why still not exist block/ban batton for nazi users? Why reports doesnt work? Why still no prohibition for reviews before a downloading? Why still no prohibition for fasicst russian nazis hashtags? Even in last my mod have no big logo with antiwar messege, anyway they starts lowering rating with insulting comments. 1



Still didnt delete troll nazi review bobmbing Moddb.com1 1

Dec 3 2023 Anchor

Both of the below projects (I can't quite tell the difference as they appear to be run by the same people, posting very similar things) contain ripped assets from both commercial games (notably the Anno games) and assets stolen from other BFME mods, including my own. (note the Anno 1404 tree tilesets and nature objects in recent images) (note all the Anno 1404 'Africa' tileset elements here)

I've ignored them for a while but now they're posting my work as their own:
Their image:
My model, posted long before:

All they did was replace the face.

They've posted AotR models before but would begrudgingly note credit to us when prompted to - it seems now they're just pretending they own it.

Can these clowns be taken down please?

Here is a direct comparison. Left is mine, right is his. It's all identical except for a replaced face texture and some details on the belt.

Note that this isn't exactly the worst of it, but it's the latest thing they are actively lying about, just sending barrage after barrage of deceitful message in an attempt to control the narrative. The vast majority of items they've posted can be traced back as not belonging to them (heroes of might and magic is another game they appear to rip from) and are posted within the context of them being 'better' than everyone else. It's quite a stain on the BFME modding scene.

INtense! End Boss
Dec 4 2023 Anchor
MathijsRevora wrote:

Both of the below projects (I can't quite tell the difference as they appear to be run by the same people, posting very similar things) contain ripped assets from both commercial games (notably the Anno games) and assets stolen from other BFME mods, including my own. (note the Anno 1404 tree tilesets and nature objects in recent images) (note all the Anno 1404 'Africa' tileset elements here)

I've ignored them for a while but now they're posting my work as their own:
Their image:
My model, posted long before:

All they did was replace the face.

They've posted AotR models before but would begrudgingly note credit to us when prompted to - it seems now they're just pretending they own it.

Can these clowns be taken down please?

Here is a direct comparison. Left is mine, right is his. It's all identical except for a replaced face texture and some details on the belt.

Note that this isn't exactly the worst of it, but it's the latest thing they are actively lying about, just sending barrage after barrage of deceitful message in an attempt to control the narrative. The vast majority of items they've posted can be traced back as not belonging to them (heroes of might and magic is another game they appear to rip from) and are posted within the context of them being 'better' than everyone else. It's quite a stain on the BFME modding scene.

I've messaged them a warning. Would you like them to provide credit and continue that way, and if no credit is given take them down. Or would oyu prefer the content removed entirely.


Scott Reismanis
DBolical | @scottreismanis

Dec 4 2023 Anchor

To be frank I don't a warning is going to cut it - these guys are toxic and should be removed. From what I've seen, like 90% of the stuff they've posted is either ripped or stolen. I've already requested they credit me 2 or 3 times, at which point they've either denied my request or halfheartedly mentioned they 'based' their work on mine. That's not to mention the abuse I've received - being called a racist over and over for calling out their shit, the blatant lies about the origin of their work, etc.

I give them absolutely no permission to use my work at this point, and I want all instances of my work to be removed - I can't be bothered to list them all but I'm sure they're well aware.

They lie constantly and communicate entirely in bad faith - they're just going to pretend to comply and go right back to doing the same thing.

EDIT: I barely finished writing this message or they once again updated their page featuring another derogatory rant and images that contain elements from our work. It seems that every time I bring this up to them, they try to drown it out by just piling on more lies.

Some of these menu interfaces feature elements designed by us, released in AotR last year. I don't have the energy to go and look up the exact dates or images. This is exhausting - ban these assholes please.

EDIT #2: The disinformation saga continues, as per the standard playbook. The strategy here seems to be to drown out legitimate concerns by posting massive barrages of incomplete information while attacking and accusing the people that brought forth the initial concerns:

The above article presents elements that may well have been created by their team (I have my doubts, but I can't prove everything presented there is stolen), while leaving out the dozens of screenshots they've posted almost simultaneously to their pages that clearly show assets ripped from commercial projects, for example: + + (all of these assets are from Anno 1404 and/or HOMM, as proven by a cursory glance at Google Image results).

Note that these were posted *after* your warning, meaning they are simply continuing their disinformation barrage, while also refusing to remove the screenshots involving my personal assets. They're deflecting the accusations of obvious thievery by using fallacious arguments (we have been around for a long time! you are racists!). It's a bunch of obvious lies that they *know* are lies (Google Image results do not lie, and I know my own work) that are meant to muddy the waters and provoke and disrespect myself and my team.

EDIT #3: The barrage of defamatory lies continues. We've been seeing a seemingly endless amount of these very samey, provocative messages, both here and in our Discord communities, endlessly flooding the space with the same nonsense in an attempt to drown out our legitimate concerns without addressing them. They are still denying that they've stolen assets from games like Anno 1404 amongst others (even though, as previously stated, this is an easily proven fact). We're dealing with a bunch of bad-faith actors who think they can control the narrative by being as loud as possible. Please remove them.

EDIT #4: They posted a new picture of my 'Saruman' asset, claiming it is theirs. All they did was crop out most of my unedited model, focusing on their edited head mesh:

This is such a joke. When are they being removed please.

EDIT#5: The thieving continues.

The skull, tusks, and spine (and possibly more) elements in the above model were made by myself and another member of my team. Note that there is no credit given and I have given no permission to use this.

Is ModDB planning on doing anything about this or not? The warning has been given and predictably ignored - so what now?

I have no time to make a detailed a comparison but here's the original model used in its original context:

You'll notice the skull and tusks are identical (with a handpainted texture made by myself) and though its harder to tell from this image, they are using the spine model and texture as well.

EDIT #6: He is once again flooding the zone with lies after I pointed out his theft. Note that I don't make these reports lightly. I've let a bunch of these instances slip in the past, but now things have gotten egregious and defamatory. He's just openly mocking me, making false statements in his defence (this time showing entirely different art from 2017 that is supposed to somehow prove that he didn't take mine), etc. just like he did when I pointed out his stealing of my Saruman model.

Fucking exhausting.

EDIT #7: Big day today! Their second (or first, I can't really tell the difference) mod has posted the following string of images:

This is indeed an AotR map that they claim to have 'borrowed' - we have given no permission whatsoever for this.

The following image shows that they've ripped more of our assets, not just the map:

The brown leather huts at the top of the image, the elephant skulls, the rock column with cage - all of this was made by Age of the Ring and released in our 8.0 version in March of this year. Proof: (rock column with cage obscured by palm tree)

These shots were taken for our Wiki back in March.

Dec 18 2023 Anchor

map Harad Coast image - History Of Middle-Earth mod for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch King - ModDB

The mod mentioned above simply took a map from Age of the Ring and says it is borrowed:

"borrowed map
mod AOTR

One of the best maps of the AOTR project, but it is suitable for three players, although there is very little space for the second player, but this is compensated by new lairs that will be closer and easier to clear. Murder hornets have also been added to the map; This hive is very dangerous and is hidden in the branches of a huge tree on the edge of a waterfall. We hope you enjoy the new look and new environment models in this map. We thank AOTR for their work on this map."

They say they thank us but we have have not given them permission to use the map in their mod so it's stolen. The screenshot was uploaded today, after the previous warning was issued so they clearly have no problem with stealing and have no intent of stopping.

Dec 19 2023 Anchor

Their strategy is to blatantly steal our literal assets, post them, then make the bold claim that it's just a coincidental circumstance while spamming a dozen more screenshots. ModDB, you need to take action here. This is completely unacceptable behavior.

INtense! End Boss
Dec 19 2023 Anchor

There are a number of mods and files connected to their profile. Are you reporting all content, or just particular parts?

I have sent a warning, and will delete this content until the indescretions are corrected


Scott Reismanis
DBolical | @scottreismanis

Dec 19 2023 Anchor

The whole project is rife with ripped assets both from other BFME mods (notably AotR) and commercial projects. I am reporting the following 2 mods, that look to me to be the same project (as they're crossposting):

EDIT: I have spoken to the mod's developer and I think I've gotten through to him. He will remove the ripped assets and will not do this again going forward. If he does, I'll simply make another report.

I think his current page should stay up (, but that's not up to me.

Dec 30 2023 Anchor

Check the recent reviews on moddb, from 26 minutes ago to 45 minutes ago as of this post someone was spamming the same copy paste reviews on a bunch of Amnesia mods on multiple accounts using one review text per account.

The accounts in question are Budweiserbeer, gibsmedatforfree, Teenagemutantninja69, and NeentageTutageMinja05

SquireJames KA2 Creator
Feb 22 2024 Anchor

Hello there, seems I've attracted some trolls again.

Another brand new account and a 3 star review, even referencing the old deleted reviews. Can you cleanse this again please?

"Bad mod also deleted reviews ?!?! lmao" Thanks

Edit: Oh also, this account

Again brand new troll account. Left this comment.

"this guy deletes negactive reviews and fakes postative reviews and harrassess people who make bad reviews he also harrassess people who made bad reviews seen on his profile comments. bad mod bad moder stay away. "

I love how their spelling gets even worse. Poor quality trolls.

EDIT: Wow he is busy. ANOTHER fake account, created 2 minutes ago.

"really bad mod needs lots of work"

It might be wise to institute some kind of verification for accounts to prevent this sort of thing.

EDIT: Cripes he's an active troll.


message from me leave storm alone.

message from Storm.

Will you stop harassing me this is becoming a bloody joke , I accept these friends request in the hopes make you see the light that ur disgusting GF is just being two faced and did something Izzy couldn't due to the fact it was harder to fuck her since she lived in the USA. She will cuck you just like all the other women in ur life have then abandon you just like you did too ur kids. You keep calling me "boy" tho you a 37 year old man keep harassing me a 26 year old by adding them on discord writing stuff on their steam page insulting me then blocking me without giving me a chance to respond just like the coward you are. U have burnt your bridge with me and I will never accept you as a friend again for the way u abused me , my gf and everyone else in ur life . Get a job , Go after you kids and get a fucking life. If this does not stop then I will get a restraining order on you just like you wife did you creep and I will inform the benefits system that ur “little headaches” r fake just so you can live off welfare you pathetic man.""

This guy is an unhinged lunatic. I would suggest an IP ban. Goes without saying I've not done any of the things he keeps saying. I mean you can see from the above, he just keeps making fake accounts, yet, I am apparently harassing him? I think not.

Also evident from his inability to spell that it's the same person. Repeatedly.

Edited by: SquireJames

INtense! End Boss
Feb 24 2024 Anchor

Will respond on support inbox, no need to send in multiple asks.


Scott Reismanis
DBolical | @scottreismanis

SquireJames KA2 Creator
Feb 24 2024 Anchor

Understood, sorry. Wasn't sure my request had been received

Jun 27 2024 Anchor

If this is still the right place to report, I've come across a scammer

INtense! End Boss
Jun 28 2024 Anchor



Scott Reismanis
DBolical | @scottreismanis

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