A small mod with a huge faction overhaul and outright cursed mechanics aiming to create chaotic skirmishes. This mod introduces faction gimmicks and special power similar to RA3 but more powerful. PvE and Competitive play is both suppported but the balancing department is not on par with 1.02 like all mods

Post news Report RSS 0.35 Balance Update Summary

A smaller scale update for tiberium chaos featuring balance changes and 2 new units.

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Hello everyone, this update was supposed to be released earlier, due to my sickness i wasn't able to upload it sooner but here it is now.

NOD Banshee


a Fan-favorite aircraft i added to go along with the Mammoth MK II, it will deal increased damage to all Epic Units.

DSC Kronos


the MLRS didn't really meet expectations, so i decided to give them a walker instead. the Kronos is similar in playstyle like the GDI Juggernaut with good damage but low accuracy, hp, speed and lack of anti-air.

Edit : This unit still shoots air due to a error in the codes

Black Hand Templar


Coming onto the battlefield with DoT Damage , wow very "original"! These guys are your standard Zone Trooper clone in BH, make sure you get those Mammoth Tank commanders to retire.

Black Hand Millenium Lasers


a Upgrade to help purifiers and templars mow through enemy armor divisions

Balance Changes


Epic Units now get pre-equipped slots but instead of the normal infantry turrets, they get an improved version of it.

The Redeemers in the picture above has plasma blasters from the banshee, it shoot all types of units and is optimized for maximum damage. It's trade-off however is that it cannot hit moving targets as effectively like its main laser.

The GDI and ZOCOM MARVS get a sonic blasters with 2 repair pods to slowly heal even in battle, with the ZOCOM MARV you get a bigger improved heal of the ZOCOM Sheriff Mammoth. The sonic blasters of the MARV features very good accuracy, good anti-infantry clearing (even better on the ZOCOM MARV with bigger splash) and that it also shoots all types of units. the Sonic blasters lack good damage however.

The Eradicator Hexapods all share the same teleporter with bigger teleport range on the Traveler Version. While Reaper Hexapods are equipped with 2 repair pods, the other two gets 1x improved disk launchers and 1x standard repair pod. the Disk launchers from the hexas are the weakest turret but makes up for it by having faster reload and good anti-air.

Join the discord sever if you have any questions about this mod or the changes made in it and ill try to respond. A more detailed changelog is included in the mod files and is also posted on the discord server for any nerds out there.

Link : Boring old discord server


Edit : Those who joined the discord server will get access to weekly/monthly test builds at the cost of absolutely nothing. Polls are often casted by myself asking opinions on units so that you a chance to make change up units you find underpowered/overpowered.

Next Update Info : Changed/New Units, Full DSC Support Powers and Upgrades, New Textures for the DSC Units and all other faction.

That is all for this update, thank you for your time here and see you all next time.


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